[6:00- 6:05 PM] Welcome: Dinesh Jotwani
[6:05- 6:20 PM] Keynote and Inauguration: Honorable Justice Prathiba M Singh
[6:20- 6:35 PM] Introduction, Context, Goals and Moderation of the Conclave: Dr. Guriqbal Singh Jaiya
[6:35- 7:00 PM] Session 1- Are IPR Waivers a necessary and viable solution? (Drugs, vaccines, diagnostics and other health technologies for the duration of the pandemic)
Panel Discussion by : Prof. Prabuddha Ganguli, Dr. Pushpendra Rai, Dr.Mohan Kumar
[7:00- 7:25 PM] Session 2- Which right to be waived? IPR and especially Patent Information Search perspective on IPR waivers.
Panel Discission by : Yashwant Panwar, Jitin Talwar